I was 13 when I first

  • 10 years ago

I was 13 when I first met you and when we started dating. You promised to be the best to me and you were absolutly perfect to me. You were my first real boyfriend and you were 2 years older than me. The feeling of having an older guy be into you and pick to want to be with you out of any girl feels so amazing. You brought my self esteem up and you were the highlight of my life. we broke up, but we started hooking up. This summer I swear I thought you were into me. I fell in Love with you this summer. After 3 years, it was this summer that I actually fell in Love with you. You walked me home at night, you held my hand, told me you didnt want to hook up with any girl but me. You listened to my storys, I opened up to you, you told me that I had to be at your football games. We hung out most of the summer. We cuddled, when i was out of town for the weekends you would ask me to hang out when I got home. I swear it felt like we were together. But of cource it was all lies. You were just using me the whole time. You told my best friend that you dont see me as anything more than a friends with benefit. We dont talk anymore because you completly kicked me out of you life. You completly forgot about me and everything that happend these past 3 years. I heard that your talking to a girl and that she might be the one. Congratulations, Im so happy for you and I hope she gives you everything I couldnt. I miss you so much, and I think about you everyday. Ill always have feelings for you, you were my first love for sure. I wish you the best in Life. I fell in Love with you, and even though you dont care about me anymore, I want to thank you for allowing me to feel this. I hope that I can share this feeling with someone in the future who will feel the same for me. It just s****. You turned out to be a compltley different person than I thought you were. We were suppose to last and be a happy perfect couple. Remember you promised me that? “Forever and ever baby”

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