hello so this is my story

  • 12 years ago

hello so this is my story i am 22yrs old male and i live at home (for now) i was molested by my bro and sister… (not at the same time) with my brother it was from 7 to 14 and with my sister it was 5 or 6 to 12 at now it has been getting very hard for me to deal with i have cut before like 16or17 but stoped at 18or19 but i have started to do it again ( as of tonight…) and i have tryed suicide 3 times in the last yr… and i feel like my depression is getting in the way of my relationship… and i have naver told anyone! but my fiancΓ© she is the only one that knows this… but how do i move on? how do i forgive and forget? what do i do?

All Comments

  • seek professional help! like a psychologist/ psychoanalyst, they can point you in the right direction and help you cope with the pain. Do it!

    Anonymous July 18, 2012 6:00 pm Reply
  • Suicide is a way of saying that you quit: and that just isn’t the answer. I’m sure you want to know that you’re strong enough to live through this, and you are. I hate to tell you this, but forgetting isn’t possible. That takes a lifetime. You’ve probably heard it a thousand times but really: these things happened already, learn from them. You should forgive, but that’s up to only you: forgetting might not be the answer entirely. Just know that quite a lot of people have a sob story, but its no excuse: life goes on.

    Anonymous July 31, 2012 2:35 am Reply

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