Once at a party like 3

  • 10 years ago

Once at a party like 3 weeks ago I made out with this guys, he was so hot and we danced, im typicallt the kind of girl that wouldnt do any of that I find it sluty sometimes stupid to dance that way with someone you barely know. Afet we danced we sit down and talked I saved his number, then I kissed his cheek, but he wanted more and held my hand and so we kissed. After a week I didnt typed him or anything I was too nervous. Couple of weeks later there was another party the first thing I noticed was him there starring at me. He spent thr night chasing me and looking at me I spent my night teasing him for him to come at me. After hourse we came through
And he asked me to dance, pretending like we didnt know each other, we danced and one minute later we were making out, really long kiss afet a while even I was wondering when was it gonna end. And then my mother came in and touched his arm and said LETS GO! It was so embarrasing and the hardest part is that I dont remember his name to loom for.him or text him I feel like such a w**** and the hardest part is that I dont or cant find him anywhere wich makes me feel like much of a c***. He got so upset and angry and embarrassed! He ran to the batroom got called someone and then left. My bestfriend didnt kno what to do with that situation. And know I dont know if he like me or thinks im his w**** and I feel like s*** because I mean ive never done anything like that, I did it because I liked him, a lot btw, he is so cute and his my type

All Comments

  • You should spend more time paying attention in school, specifically English classes, than at parties skanking around. This was a fucking headache to try reading.

    Anonymous May 25, 2014 6:39 pm Reply
  • cheers comment 1!

    Anonymous May 25, 2014 6:40 pm Reply
  • You’re not a slut for dancing with a guy you really liked and kissing him! Your mum should have left you alone, but they can be like that. You should relax and have fun at parties like that (though also keep your wits about you for rapists).

    Anonymous November 30, 2014 4:25 am Reply

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