Three days ago, I decided to

  • 11 years ago

Three days ago, I decided to let loose from my job and live like a 21 year old female. I went downtown with an old friend and her friends. I don’t drink often, but I drank way too much. I kept taking drink after drink. Then, there was this guy. I’m bigger, and he kept hanging around me, so I went with it. We made out and dance a little, but I didn’t want anything to go farther than that. Then I blacked out. I don’t remember much. I just remember waking up and not having pants on in an alley way. I have no idea how I got out there. There were cops and such, but I can’t remember anything really. I was puking and so scared. You see, up until that point, I was a virgin. I wanted to save myself not necessarily for marriage, but to wait until I found someone I could trust (marriage would have been nice though). Everything goes black again and I wake up in the hospital. The entire ride there, apparently, I was saying “I said no”. The cops apparently said that they saw everything that happened and I didn’t say no. It was my own fault. I woke up in the ER later and was a wreck. I was severely intoxicated and the realization of everything came crashing down on me. I was written a ticket for disorderly conduct and that was that. Now, my entire future can be ruined by this ticket. Now, I can’t even look myself in the mirror because I am so ashamed of myself. Now, I don’t trust any police officials, because if they saw the whole thing, why didn’t they stop it? Now, I am ruined. But it’s okay “I was into it” (Police officer). That’s my first time. I don’t remember how it happened. I don’t remember who it was with. And I woke up in the hospital with pain and a ticket that will follow me forever. Hell of a first anything, right?

All Comments

  • fuuuuck..

    Anonymous October 7, 2013 7:25 pm Reply
  • *hugs*

    It will be okay. You will be okay. The ticket isn’t as big of a deal as you think. Sounds no more dangerous than a speeding ticket, and lots of successful folks get those every day.

    Go back to the bar, sober, and ask the folks who work there if they knew the guy you were with. Might help with closure a little bit. Maybe ask your girlfriends about him too.

    Be sure to get yourself tested for STDs, pregnancy, all that kind of thing.

    Anonymous October 14, 2013 5:22 am Reply
  • Hang in there. This sucks, but your first time isn’t as monumental as it’s cracked up to be. You will have more experiences, ones good enough to make up for this one 🙂

    Anonymous November 6, 2013 12:54 am Reply

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