• 2 weeks ago

“Why must it be a class action? Because YOU say so?

Since it is only a measly $25 a month, then why don’t you pay it for them?

You say: Also None Of The Points You Referenced Are Mentioned In Their Lawsuit. WRONG.
It not relevant anyway.
However the OP DID say: These Meters Put Out A ‘Dirty’ Form Of Electricity Wave Which Negatively Impacts Human Health And Mental Wellness.
The Lawsuit cites health issues too. In A Complaint, The Couple Alleged That They Have Developed Negative Health Effects Since The New Meter Was Installed.

Maybe you should READ the print before calling others a DUMMY!
You make yourself look bad. What institution are you in?”

Cellular Devices output 10,000 the same RF radiation.
shows William Budd has Cellular Devices. Uh oh Hypocrite Alert guys. Also the article covers this but maybe you didn’t comprehend that paragraph because it doesn’t fit your narrative lmao.

You are acting like RF radiation is the same as Nuclear meanwhile you probably replying on a cellular Device or Laptop or Desktop with wifi card that easily has 1000x the RF radiation as those meters that send one signal every 2-4 hours. It’s not a constant stream of data like your PC (cell devices are mini PC’s practically).

And Yes since I can play Devil’s Advocate, if their case was legitimate (it’s going to get thrown out but let’s disregard that for now) it deserves to be a class action because it affects a whole class of people.

30,000 people have to put up with these meters and that’s probably just the first wave of this county’s installments. Why should those potential victims have to deal with raised taxes to cover this BS when they deserve the $ pie just as much as these Former Hawaii Bookoo $$$ scumbags?

Anyways when the Judge throws it out I’ll be the first to throw it in your face and you’ll be quieter than a mouse LMAO

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