I would do anything to get

  • 10 years ago

I would do anything to get you back. I’ve never felt so close, so strongly, towards anyone ever before in my life. I’ve seen psychics, I’ve paid for supernatural services(ridiculous, I know), and worst of all, I’ve broken your trust and you will never know it. I’ve done things I never would have done four months ago in an effort to win you back and to learn more, and I feel ashamed. So very ashamed. If I win or not, and everyone assures me that even if I lose you I still win, I feel like I have given up a piece of my soul in pursuit of you, and if that isn’t enough to win you back, I don’t know what is.

The sad, and should we get back together, probably the best part of it all is you can never know the full lows to which I have sunk, because if you did, you would hate me. But they tell me that hate and love are a single thread apart, so maybe it would be worth it?

I’m no Walter White, but I feel close sometimes. I don’t think that’s such a good thing.

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