Why is Sl angry with Mrk

  • 11 years ago

Why is Sl angry with Mrk and why is Sl threatening to tell his wife of his lies?

1) Mark promised Sl that we would be friends for ever even if the plans to be gay s***** partners collapsed.

2) Mrk told his wife about Sl. Her response was either Sl or her (Cth).

3) Mrk decides to terminated his friendship with Sl based on Cth response. Because according to him “he has to be honest with Cth and she does not want Sl and Mrk to be friends since Mrk loves Sl, much less side s** partners.

4) Mrk continues to lie to Cth on many levels, displaying utmost dishonesty even about how he feels about her. He thinks she unattractive, repulsive, …. Yet he continues to act for her meanwhile he finds her so unattractive that he even refuses to put her picture on his desk at work.

5) Mrk expects Sl to lie in order to make Cth believe that Sl and Mrk have not seen each other. Mark keeps many other lies from Cth. All this is done under a false pretense of honesty towards Cth.


Either Mrk is completely honest or he is partially honest with his wife Cth.
If he chooses to be partially honest as he has done now, then it is absolutely unacceptable to terminate his friendship with Sl on the grounds of being honest with Cth. Terminating the friendship with Sl is completely unacceptable because he promised that he would never do that regardless of Cth feelings.

If Mrk insists on terminating friendship, then Sl will inform Cth of how Mrk really feels about her and expose Mrk dirty little pile of secrets. This would be the first time Sl acted against Mrk and Cth and would provide a good reason for terminating the friendship between Sl and Mrk.

Mrk has two choices:

a) Mrk is completely honest with Cth and Sl exposes Mrk secrets and lies to Cth. This could mean the end of Mrk’s friendship with Sl and possibly the end of Mrk’s relation with his wife Cth.

b) Mrk continues to be partially dishonest, but can’t claim that he is being honest with Cth. He continues his friendship with Sl and everything is fine. No secrets are revealed and things remain as always.


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