I’m a grown woman, but I

  • 10 years ago

I’m a grown woman, but I still can’t bring myself to say no when my mother asks for my help with something. Since I was 14 I worked, someones two jobs, to help her pay the bills. I ended up quitting college so I could work and help her. Looking back now… why? Helping pay the bills , yes, that was a wonderful thing. I’m glad I did. But now I see… she never ‘made’ my siblings do the same. She ‘asked’ them to, and then got upset that they didn’t… but she never told them, pay up or get out… even my sister who is 5 years older than me. I always thought it was just bad luck that kept my mother in constant financial hardship, but I think now I realize that she’s just not managing her money well. She’s living in a house that costs $500/mo rent, and barely scraping by. She chose this house on the assumption my sister would help her with the bills (we’ve all moved out except for my elder loser sister). Of course, my sis has gone through 3 jobs since they moved in a few months ago and she contributes nothing… and i mean NOTHING. They also have internet, which- if she can’t afford groceries, why does she have internet? Especially when the main reason is for my loser sister to watch netflix all day?

The other day I suggested maybe looking for a smaller place to rent for less, and my mom got upset and insisted she wouldn’t find anything for less than $450… but geez, she might! And a smaller house would cost less to cool and heat!

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