I was bullied into therapy by

  • 10 years ago

I was bullied into therapy by my family and forced to start taking Lithium based medication to tackle my depression and mood swings.

The thing is I was depressed because of the stress related to money problem I had gotten myself into and was trying to get out of.
The dosage of the medication never reached the minimum level in my blood and we were going to up my dosage from 8 pills a day to 10. I was already having horrible trouble taking the pills causing me stress through the day as taking the pills was often followed by an hour of nausea and even vomiting.

My quit the pills cold turkey in August 2013. I fixed my financial situation and reduced contact with my family along with meeting a psychiatrist for 3 months to help me learn to handle my severe anxiety.
I have never been happier than now, And the few times I see them they comment on how happy I seem and that the drugs must really be working.
And I just nod and smile.

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