I think some of these souls

  • 11 years ago

I think some of these souls search out hosts at night or day but more so at night where they are less noticeable to be detected when we are asleep.

in 1998 I swear I had a visitation of a hooded man who was about to place a ball and chain around my ankles and I moved my legs up quickly then woke thinking I saw this hooded priest or man or demon but it had no face. just eyes. like that song “Eyes with a face” or in the video “space invaders”, it felt like it was going to either kill me, or tie me down to marriage or something else. I felt a thrill and a fear and a religious presence. later that year I seen a glowing light as if god was present. and their angels whispering soul secrets to me.

I cried and I felt like my tears baptized me and I started having memories about Diana and bugsy and the past when I was a little child. that feeling of struggle and not able to communicate how I felt in a body much like a baby would. this was strange but a common theme in my dreams since a child. as if being reborn.

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