
  • 9 years ago

I dated a guy for almost a year, and it had a very bad ending. We didn’t talk for almost a year, and now we’ve become friends again. To be honest, I’m very cautious of being his friend because of all of the awful things that happened after the breakup. He was my first love, and that always ends badly. However, I know a lot of it was my fault too and I can’t blame him for everything.
At first, I wanted to shut him out, but when we finally spoke again, I couldn’t. I know his apology is like taking a nail out of a post and thinking it’s back to normal, but I am not one to hate people. He’s dating another girl now, and has been for about the past 10 months. She’s beautiful, funny, and so smart. I greatly respect her and I’m glad he’s with her. For the past three nights, he has been talking to me nonstop (which is a huge change considering we didn’t speak for a year and now that we are, it’s almost constant when he’s not with her.) We hold 3 different conversations at once for hours on end. Tonight he said something out of the ordinary. We lost our virginity to each other, and we’ve talked about it a couple times in the past couple days. But tonight, he told me that if he was single, he would come back to me for the s***** aspect. I understand that he’s a boy and that’s to be expected, but he was never really that kind of boy. He wouldn’t sleep with a girl unless she actually meant something to him. I know I’m over analyzing it, but I don’t think it’s exactly okay to tell your ex girlfriend that when you supposedly love your current girlfriend. I don’t know. To be honest, part of me still loves him. Maybe a part of me will always love him to some extent because he was my first for everything. I don’t know. I just don’t want to tell anyone that he and I are friends again because I feel like my friends would be upset with me for it because he’s an ex.

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