12 years

To begin, I’m a 14 year old closeted gay male living in England, I live with my grandparents I go to a small school of mostly boys, in fact there’s only 3 female students in the entire school, I don’t know whether or not to come out to my friends and family in fear that they might reject me, I’ve had homosexual feelings for about 3 or 4 years know but I’ve only really admitted it to myself recently, less than a week ago in fact, I never have any problems with bullies but I don’t really have many good friends in school mostly because of my relatively secluded life, the only real friends I have are gamers like me who, I sincerely doubt would be negatively effected by me announcing that I’m gay, I’m considering telling them before I tell anyone else, one big problem is that, although there are only like 60-70 students in the entire school almost all of them are tough and most are homophobic bullies, they aren’t very smart which is why I’ve never had any problems with bullies because I’ve always been charismatic but that won’t help me if they find out, I’d become a laughing stock slash punching bag most likely, but bullies and name calling aren’t my real problem, my real problem is my family, with my secluded life and goody two shoes attitude I’ve never had problems at home and I have great relationships with all of my family however I’m not entirely sure about whether or not my grandparents are homophobic, I’m almost certain my grandma isn’t, but my grandad has a habit of using words like “gay” or “puff” as insults, I don’t know whether or not he’s a homophobic nor do I know what he’d do if I told him I was homophobic, I know he wouldn’t disown me or anything like that, he wouldn’t try to get me to “swear devotion to The Lord almighty and beg forgiveness for your sins” or some crap like that since we are a family of atheists and he knows that i can get in and out of our house without anyone inside having a clue i was even there but it might make things awkward between us, in short I don’t know what to do, I can deal with insults and I can handle myself pretty well in a fight so name calling and bullying wont really bother me but I just don’t want to have a strained relationship with my family, what do I do?

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