there are thoughts and deeds that you might not be able to reveal to anyone, although sometimes you feel like your mind might explode or your chest might burst if you don’t. what if you could make your own confessions without revealing your identity?
imagine yourself in a room, alone. you take a piece of paper and you start writing your deepest fears, your wildest fantasies, your craziest memories. no one to judge, no one physically there to criticize, just you and your confessions.
what if you could say out loud what you’ve been keeping inside? what if you could say the whole truth and nothing but the truth? what if you could make your confessions to total strangers without having to fear their reactions? would you take the leap?
an area that is your personal, anonymous, everyday diary. a place that is fully dedicated to your confessions, whether good or bad, shameful or embarrassing. just say it out loud.
this is what the website is all about. a place to simply let it out…
are you on twitter? if yes, you can follow simply confess.
are you on facebook? if yes, you become a fan here.
The below has been written by Mona Chammas
Confess yourself don’t repress yourself … or so desires MB, owner of Simply Confess. I came into contact with MB, on Twitter as we both discovered that we exist in similar worlds: that of a web geek in the realm of advertising, in the Middle East no less. Believe me when I say that the aforementioned combination comes too few and far in between here. Nonetheless, our passions for our trade is what bonded us and soon after it was only a matter of time before I was introduced to MB’s budding project.
Let’s preface the state of things that prompted MB to develop such a site. First things first, confession sites are not unique within the web space. Regardless, MB trailed on and pounced on a predominant Middle Eastern human behavior, and harmonized it with technology. What is said Middle Eastern human behavior? Its the tendency, or normative behavior to keep certain information hidden from the rest of the world. Yes – Middle Easterners, with all societal taboos and modes of etiquette to preserve the status quo, without qualm or quandry will entertain thoughts and oftentimes go about “things” that ordinarily would be considered bad conduct and you guessed it – all the while keeping it on the downlow. Ah yes, all things “haram” must bear witness to, well, no one.
Enter MB.
Despite competition, MB cranked on with his idea of a confessions site. His research indicated that other “confession” websites were either very complicated, and/or included an arduous registration process, which in my opinion is a little besides the point of the whole confessions thing don’t you think? Shouldn’t it be rule of thumb for such sites to enforce anonymity? In addition, MB found that there were no Web2.0 (look and feel) and social elements to the site. In his words, ” I want to make it as simple as possible for a single purpose: confessions” (with a touch of sociability).
Now MB rationalizes with the following notion: There are thoughts and deeds that you might not be able to reveal to anyone, although sometimes you feel like your mind might explode if you don’t. And what if you could make your own confessions without revealing your identity? No one physically there to criticize, just you and your confessions… and the comfort in knowing that others are experiencing similar thoughts or actions.
This is from me: note to confessors alike: We’ve all thought about it! And we probably have dabbled with it at some point!
MB’s main inspiration came from this fundamental Middle Eastern mentality, which led him to want to develop a channel for folks to discuss their story, much like what the I Live Here gang (see Stories can change the world.) have done with their Video community peace.
Further to MB’s inspiration is his goal to make this more than just a “website”. This can be the place where people help others out by words. There are future plans to translate Simply Confess in different languages and update features.
Although targetted to Middle Easterners, this site will not close doors to folks elsewhere who wish to experience the site. Go on, have a gander.
You can reach MB on Twitter here if you’d like to drop him a note.