3 weeks

didnt i tell you that if you kept f u c k i n g with me i would ruin your g o d d a m n life? you wanted to keep f u c k i n g threatening me and my family, you even sent my n u d e s out to my family and called everyone of us trash becaue i refused to go gay for you. you are nothing you pathetic f u c k. you will never know remorse or regret because you’re a sociopathic r a p i s t f u c k and i told the officer that if you pulled up on me again before they got to you with that warrant i would take your f u c k i n g life. the officer told me to do what i had to, to protect myself even if i had to curb s t o m p a m o t h e r f u c k e r. you slashed my tires, f u c k e d wiring up trying to cut my brakes and told me that if i went gay for you then you would leave me alone and stop f u c k i n g my life up. MY BOYY. You cost me a few hundred, but i make more in a day than you do in two weeks. you only set me back 20 minutes installing new tires and wires. your dumb a s s didn’t even cut the brakes, you cut my f u c k i n g wiring that cost like 5 dollars… you really are the worst f u c k i n g sociopathic stalker. you left way too many clues in your words letting us know who you were, especially when you pinged your location and sent it to me to show off where you were. you really just f u c k e d with the wrong one. also, when speaking to the officers they said there were a few others that had came to them with the same stories but they had no proof or evidence of it being you, however, i had dealt with you for so long and kept off your radar that i guess you slipped up and just forgot that i was the wrong mother f u c k e r to f u c k with. goodbye mccormick.

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