• 2 months ago

Ramble about chickens. (Story from when I was 10)

When I was younger, I lived in an unsanitary house in a small town for a while. I constantly got sick and played with farm animals a lot as well. Story 1:my family once kill my pet chicken, whatever but the blood dried onto the floor and the other f****** chickens pecked at the blood it was gross as f***! (they left the chicken hanging on the tree) Story 2: I got injured by stepping on a rusty nail that stuck out of a wood floorboard when running to feed my chickens. (I was fed junk food by my guardian because the b**** can’t care for children) story3:another Another gross chicken story my grandmother took me to a c*** fight and when tossing a chicken, the blade on the chicken’s foot got caught in a guy’s arm.the chicken flared around slicing his hand and then flew over the guy and ripped his shirt cutting his back.

I still like chickens those are just examples.

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