14 years

So i’m in a hallway in school, and my friend hands me a digestive biscuit and says ‘throw this at that kid’, so I did, ’cause I can’t resist dares, but i threw the biscuit wide at the last second, because he didn’t deserve it, so it hit the wall instead, when another friend saw this he said he could do better, so he threw the digestive and it hit a g****** the back of her head, we all laughed our asses off at this, about five minutes later when we’d calmed, we saw she was crying! We all started laughing again, there were actual tears in my eyes, (because we’re in year eleven and she was in, like year eight or nine) we were laughing mostly ’cause we didn’t know if she was crying ’cause she got a biscuit to the head and she was insulted or, and here’s the best bit, if she was already crying about something and then she got a digestive to the skull, if however the latter is the case, i’m betting she didn’t think she would get given a biscuit! I’m not mean, really, it’s just funny. I don’t regret it, it was brilliant. Cheerio

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