• 5 years ago

Long story warning

I visit my grandma in another state once a year every summer. I skipped a couple, and then in 2017 I started going back. I was 13. When I’m there, my mom isn’t there. I stay at my grandma’s house with my sister and my female cousin. I’m also a girl btw. One of my male cousins came over to see grandma and the rest of us. I’m going to call him “Tony”. He was 12 at the time. He’s about a year younger than me, but I’m short compared to him. Puberty didn’t hit me very hard besides the annoying D-cups. Anyway, Tony was staying for the night on that day and I thought we were just going to catch up on family s***. The day flew by and it was time to go to bed. I have my own bed there and he was supposed to sleep in the same room as me, but on the recliner on the other side of the bedroom. Our other cousin slept on the floor by her own choice and my sister had her own bedroom. Our grandma was out at the neighbor’s house for a beer. I’m a night owl, so I was up when everyone else was asleep. But Tony wasn’t asleep. I heard him get up, and I thought he was going to the bathroom or something. He came over to the bed and kissed me. I just froze. I don’t know what happened. I was scared. He put his tongue in my mouth and I don’t remember the rest. I made myself forget it so I could try to ignore it the next year. 2018 came along and it was summer again. We went to my grandma’s house, as usual, and I thought things were going to be okay. The first day Tony (he’s 13 now, I’m 14) came over, he was acting completely normal. He was even bragging about his new girlfriend. During his second visit, it got late at night and his dad wasn’t willing to go all the way to our grandma’s house. He was going to stay over again. We were given a similar sleeping arrangement, except our other female cousin slept in the room with my sister. I did the first thing I could think of and I pretended to sleep. Eventually I actually did fall asleep. Little did I know that I’d wake up to Tony grinding on me and kissing my neck at 7 am. I pushed him off and asked where everybody else was. He told me that they were on their way to the grocery store. I went to go lay down on the couch because I didn’t want to deal with him anymore. I was tired and I wouldn’t be able to eat until everyone came back from the store. He wasn’t done. He followed me to the couch. Before I knew it, he was f******** me and making my hand jack him off. I just silently let it happen. I’m a h**** teenager so of course I kinda liked it physically, but my emotions are a mess. He only stopped when he heard our grandma’s truck pull up in the driveway. I haven’t seen him or talked to anyone about it since that day. I’m going back to her house next summer. He never actually came, so idk if he’s gonna do it again. If it does happen I just don’t want to get caught. THAT would put me in the ground.

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