• 6 years ago

Someone in my school might fight me tomorrow. I am really really scared but I know how to defend myself. I am a girl and another girl wants to fight me. If I do win against her (I’m only trying to win so I can defend myself), a guy might fight me. I have already fought one guy this year and if I fight another, my reputation will go down. She was probably going to fight me today but I had lunch detention (thankfully). I’m considering hiding in the bathroom but everyone will know I’m scared. The guy, the girl, and I are actually pretty popular to be honest. My friend said she knows a guy who can help me. He is in the grade above me and he fought a very strong guy and won. I don’t know why I’m still stressing out about this. After class, the girl who wants to fight me said, “Keep your mouth shut or ima have to beat you up”. I went into the school office and filled out a bullying complaint form. Somebody please give me advice. I’m stressing out and I lowkey have suicidal thoughts. PLEASE HELP!

All Comments

  • You are very brave for sharing your current dilemma. Try to avoid the fight at all costs. It is better that you share what is going on with your parents or another adult that you trust. Also, notify someone at your school. Fights at school have been taken to another level. I don’t want to alarm you but not long ago a girl had a fight in a bathroom at school. I believe she hit her head and died. If it makes your decision easier ponder this question, would you rather go through with a fight where you may get injured or injure someone else and get in trouble or would you rather report it. At any rate you can always say the politically correct thing which is “I reported this incident because I don’t want any blemishes on my record when I try to get into college.” I understand about not wanting to admit that your scared. However, stating that you don’t want to fight because you don’t want to minimize your chances of going to school, military, etc. is also the truth. Do not fight. Think highly of yourself and treat yourself with respect. When you do this others will too. As a young person I know that reputation is everything but if the choice was mine I would prefer reporting the incident versus going through a humiliating fight. Girls fighting is never cute. Girls fighting always comes across as trashy no matter who the winner is. Please tell your parents, another adult, or the administration at school. Best of luck to you and stay safe.

    Anonymous May 23, 2018 12:42 am Reply
    • Second person who posted, and I find your way to be the pussy way. There is sooo many other ways you can handle this. You don’t have to be the last or at the same time as the other person. You can be totally early or sneak behind them or something and WALLA BOOM.
      I mean if she agreed to the fight, why should she back out of it? It was her choice to start it. Don’t be pussy.
      But if it was just brought on to her, then YEAH Obviously tell the adults.
      But if she agreed to it or brought it upon her self, then NO, don’t be a pussy after you just said you wanted to do something.

      Anonymous May 23, 2018 12:52 am Reply
      • It’s not being a pussy. It’s being smart. She wins the fight but she’ll surely be kicked out of school. What sense does that make? This is the reason so many people are incarcerated. Making poor choices can cause a lot of unnecessary pain and heartache. With all the violence, killings, and shootings going on in schools today I would never encourage a kid to fight under any circumstance. They have to much to prove and pride is everything. If this kid loses a fight what’s to stop them from taking the violence up a notch to save face? Acting out in school is just dumb and it does minimize your chances to go to a good college. I respect your opinion but these kids need to be encouraged to focus on their education… that is the reason for being in school, right? Not to fight.

        Anonymous May 23, 2018 12:59 am Reply
        • 1. Did you even read what I wrote. You can’t get in trouble ALSO if you do it OFF school grounds. The school can’t take action. The people who own the property CAN.
          And it does make sense. Most kids would be ridiculed for being a pussy and hiding in the bathroom, or a snitch for telling a teacher. Also school shootings have nothing to do with this.

          School shootings have been going on FOR YEARS and now people decide to do something? That’s pathetic. Also education is important yes, but that’s besides the fucking point. EDUCATION/SOCIAL LIFE is part of school. Or you can be a complete loner and sit in the bathroom stall and be depressed.

          If you avoid people, you’re going to be depressed. If you come near people, you’ll have friends, enemies, be a little bit healthier in social health BUT everything always comes with a price … YOU HAVE DRAMA. Drama is part of school. There will always be a fight, always be some bully, always be rumors.

          And frankly that’s why I don’t date, or go to dances with someone anymore. And when my parents leave, I don’t party, I stay at home watching horror movies, porn, and/or gore online.
          (with popcorn)

          And school shootings are usually caused by people who are bullied or had a traumatizing life or something.

          Or they do it for fun, whatever, the story of how it started, with all the evidence and answers of why it happened? And how we can prevent it?

          Example: Elliot Rodgers manifesto and story told of how he couldn’t get a girl, and how he thought he needed them to come to him. He grew up with his parents getting EVERYTHING he wanted or he asked for. And that’s his parents fault.

          And his father even sits down in interviews saying he didn’t know Elliot had a problem, when Elliot clearly states how he’s had fits and tantrums and dinner parties and such.

          But nnooooo the news and media blame it usually on their own views of it being gun control, or we need more mental help facilities.

          You wanna know why? Because they don’t care. They just want to push their agenda onto the people watching. Also they don’t care, they don’t care what happened, they usually just want to make some money and get on with it.

          Also some famous people, artists, geniuses even haven’t went to college or sometimes NEVER EVEN WENT TO SCHOOL. Oh and where are they now? On top.

          Sometimes college is just a waste of time and money.
          I’m in 8th grade, going into 9th and I don’t even know where to begin. But I’ll stay calm. I think … I mean I could just go on a rampage and kill a bunch of people, but that isn’t like me.
          Anyways, have a good day I guess.

          Anonymous May 23, 2018 1:22 pm Reply
          • Wow I just reread what I wrote and I put 1. and didn’t even add a two three or four. That was stupid. XD

            Anonymous May 23, 2018 1:23 pm
  • You shouldn’t be thinking about suicide, here’s some good suggestions.
    Pacifist route: Get adults, parents, police and other people involved.

    Genocide route: Bring a gun, or a knife to the fight, and surprise the girl by coming there before the fight, come behind her, or wait when she’s alone and stab her to death/shoot her to death.

    Good route: Hide in the bathroom.

    Bad route: Kill yourself.

    THE TRUE ENDING: You contact the guy, he teaches you some moves. Then he jumps in mid-fight and attacks the girl randomly getting her ass beat till she has a black eye and a broken nose. Marking her as she’s a pussy. Then if she tries to say she beat you up, and you fought like a pussy, she’ll look like a liar.

    Pussy route: Call the day off.

    Peaceful route: Get a counsler for you both and talk it out. Guidance is usually there in the office.

    My route: Sneak and knock her out. Then draw some permanent shit on her face so when she goes to school the next day or something it’s embarrassing.
    Also make sure you do the fight off school grounds. Because when it’s off school grounds, you can’t get in trouble. Also, steal her clothes and throw them in a dumpster, or just rip them with a razor/knife/scissors.
    Afterwards you should dump some worms from a can or bugs on her, put them in her mouth, and then duck tape/sew her mouth shut. Then slip a note under her hand that says “I am a failure.”

    Anonymous May 23, 2018 12:49 am Reply
  • 10 people were just killed in a school 4 days ago, a few months ago how many???? These kids need to stop choosing violence as their only option and grown adults should not encourage it. Young ladies should never fight unless they are trailer park trash. Stay classy.

    Anonymous May 23, 2018 1:07 am Reply
    • Person who commented with all the options and stuff (second person)
      but if this is the (first person) who commented or you’re just another person. School shootings didn’t have such a big deal until now.
      And being classy, (I’m a female) is that supposed to mean I’m dainty? Or saying I can’t fight because I’m a girl? Cause if so, I may wear dresses and makeup but that doesn’t mean I can’t throw my hands at someone or kick them in the nuts.
      I don’t need someone to tell me what I am or what I can do as a human. Just because I’m a female, doesn’t mean I don’t have the damn right to punch a bitch in the face because she’s rude or mean to me. It’s called revenge. And I like it.
      Now you are probably the type of person to think that a husband abusing his wife is okay, and the wife should stay and still take care of him.
      No I will not take care of someone or stay with them if they beat me up and lied about themselves in the first place, I would dump them faster than lightening.

      Also 10 people, isn’t that much.

      Also I’m 14 going on 15 and I believe we SHOULD have a bombing or a school shooting or something to kill a bunch of people. Because the fact is, the more people who die the less over population growth there will be.

      Anonymous May 23, 2018 1:34 pm Reply
      • Also before you comment about how I don’t have emotions or care about people, I do. I sympathize and cry at people who have died by suicide or through 9/11, bombings.
        But I grew up learning to put my damn emotions aside, and look at the picture.
        I won’t let my tears distort the image of what’s in front of me, I’ll still keep my head and understand the realistic way to respond.

        Anonymous May 23, 2018 1:38 pm Reply
      • Fine go get your ass beat and kicked out of school. Since you refer to ladies as bitches go get your ass beat, kicked out of school, and go live in a trailer park YOU DUMB BITCH.

        Anonymous May 23, 2018 10:17 pm Reply
      • You probably won’t even graduate. Thinking that you would have an opportunity to go to college was stupid of me and better yet yeah…. you should kill yourself. You’re worthless.

        Anonymous May 23, 2018 10:20 pm Reply
        • 1. I will not live in trailer park just because I have violent thoughts I am classy and dangerous. Imagine a female assassin who looks classy and dresses nicely, but kicks ass.
          Those ladies don’t live in trailer parks, they live in mansions.
          2. Don’t tell someone they can’t graduate, graduation as a whole is a big manipulative game like Americas Got Talent, you could totally graduate and just get Cs and Bs. Step one is to be nice and kind to everyone, be respectful of authority and hold your tounge and hide your tail inbetween your legs. Secondly join clubs that help the community to make you look nice, take classes and subjects that make you appear more humane. Give gifts to your teachers (All the same type of gift for every teacher ONLY change it when the holidays change). Next the best goddamn thing is look at what your school is all about. My school is about football, so me joining cheerleading makes me look 100% good to my school since I’m supporting them.
          Also never show your true side, hurting people, talking bad, just don’t do it at school EVER.
          And if you get violent with someone in public (no one around though) and you’re off the schools property, you can’t get into trouble.
          3. College isn’t needed to success in life, there are many famous and VERY rich people who didn’t even have to go to college, some were even drop outs in high school. So you saying that doesn’t back up your argument it just lessens it.
          4. Telling someone to kill themselves and that they’re worthless is more trashy than being violent.
          And just plain disgusting and inhumane, soooo you look pretty bad.

          So yeah you’re all together just an annoying womanizer who needs to learn a little bit more about the world.
          To get through life or people, you have to follow treads and live the american dream.
          In America that is. Anywhere else I don’t know. But us Americans are sometimes stupid. Not all Americans but I will admit we all have had stupid moments.
          (Especially in history.)

          Anonymous July 5, 2018 12:10 am Reply
  • You won’t win. You will definitely get your ass beat. The first thing you said is that you were scared but now you’re trying to act all hard. You will get fucked up point blank period. Why don’t you just drop out of school and be the nothing ass bitch you truly are.

    Anonymous May 23, 2018 10:31 pm Reply
  • ^ person commenting up there.
    the person who originally posted this comment probably was a scared teen which you were at one point too.
    if you’ve gotten a gun pointed to your face, or threatened you’d be scared too.
    So shut the hell up and stop acting like some hard ass yourself and saying that you need to drop out of school just because you didn’t win a fight. That’s pathetic.
    If you did that in school, then you’re a total dumbass, it’s pretty obvious you’re a drop out and have no social life skills.
    Please return to school and actually socialize instead of living in your mothers basement you rat.
    Point is, most people are scared, cause we’re humans and we have one life.
    And we all have a reputation and we have a feeling called embarrassment now I don’t know about you, but unless you’re a psychopath I think you’d care about a lot of that shit.

    Anonymous June 18, 2018 7:45 am Reply

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