2 weeks

Yup maybe a liar. Fine I say some truthful things. I never had a girlfriend once, Everyday was lonely because i was kept by a short lease by parents because to keep me safe. Got addicted to p*** at middle school. Whenever i liked a person i tell it to a friend which let to someone telling them and it get awkward cause people don’t try to talk to them. I witnessed my parents engaged in domestic abuse and other members of my family. I sometimes not at school because of that. I acted in a play and sometimes the girl i liked was there at that point i heard she was seeing someone. Now she was my biggest issue in love because she meant so much to me but how i remember she made it seem ok if i wasn’t there… So i took bad advice knowing i loved and trusting people who stabbed me in my back. I tried to talk to her…. But couldn’t even tell her what i needed. Only twice because she needed to live her own life. I live with regrets some i don’t even want to talk about but there are reasons to lie and most people never considered anything except their own viewpoint… The person im in love with i haven’t spoken to in 10 plus years she meant so much to me but i couldn’t express it or felt like i was worth it. Now even if it seems better all i could offer is love and hoping its enough for someone… I also regret the person i try to get with to because i hurt her to because i couldn’t handle her baggage too plus she something i cant comprehend why i didn’t like it maybe because intimacy is sacred…. I am horrible but you have to understand a lie before you place undue judgment on someone.

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