2 months

My stepdad thought he could force me to man-up by humiliation. He threw out all my clothes and bought me girl specific clothes. I have gynecomastia (moobs), which he said is from being lazy and not working out. It isn’t just fat, it is more complicated, the things that were supposed to descend never did, they stayed inside which has caused hormone and development issues. The doctor told my mom that wearing bras might help me with support. Mom said it was easier and cheaper to find regular girl bras where we were at the time, instead of trying to find and order bras made for boys, which especially with sports bras wouldn’t have been that different. But when I agreed to start wearing those it triggered my stepdad. He said I had to earn my manhood back, if I wanted to dress like a man again, I would have to start acting like one or go get a job. So, then I was stuck for years with the most girly clothes he could find, skinny-jeans, rompers, dresses, skirts, skorts, blouses, tights, stockings, one piece bathing suits with shoulder ruffles, and p******. All with as much Disney princess, Barbie, or female superhero themes as possible.

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