• 2 weeks ago

“I’ve been anonymously cyberbullying a guy I had s3x with, because I felt hurt that he ignored me after we had such a great time together. I also stalk his social media. I should stop that. Yeah I felt used but what right do I have to be mad at him? I myself have a man already and am in a long distance relationship. So the man I cheated with hurt my feelings. So what? I’ve decided to just be faithful to my long distance man.”

Reply Guy Here- you should do the right thing and admit you cheated. You can’t just stop cheating and say that is being faithful lmao. You already cheated. Placing your faith in him is telling him what happened then tell him it will never happen again and to beg for his forgiveness. Hiding that you cheated, even if you never cheat again, isn’t placing your faith in him. He deserves to know the truth and your a selfish person for thinking otherwise.

“Faithfulness means unfailingly remaining loyal to someone or something, and putting that loyalty into consistent practice regardless of extenuating circumstances”

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