• 2 years ago

I’m a straight man and I agree with man hater on it’s one cut and paste post “men are ugly”.

I completely agree on the first part BUT

“vile ways and unfair advantages and even threats in a failed attempt to keep the fact that they’re far inferior than even parasites hidden and to oppress women since they know in a fair situation”

In all fairness, I have known a few women out there, actually one woman with ugly and stupid associates who pull this s*** and n me because I am a superior man who they can never keep down. They cheat and ruin something for me, like a beautiful woman/girl who is attracted to me, they see it, maybe I’m indirectly rubbing it in her face just for fun, a younger more beautiful girl who is genuinely interested in me, better than her, they intrude, ruin it. I just immediately get back up and find another one. It’s like they’re playing a game of wack-a-mole. But unlike them, I don’t age. I’m a vampire. A good one point,s***, talented, vampire. They’re alcoholics so they absolutely do age 🙂 their poor husbands. Thank god it’s them and not me. Thanks, lads.

So I just learned to not to share the conquests that are valuable to me. They can’t ruin what they don’t know about but it is kind of funny to see them putting out fires left and right. Desperately putting out fires. I’m hooooot. Really hot. Not rich like their flubbery husbands, I still do alright, but I have a lot of s** appeal. A looooooot of s** appeal.

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