• 2 years ago

There is a law suite about Camp Lejeune.

It says you had to be there from 1987 and earlier.

I got there in early 1988. I don’t qualify.

Every time I go #2, it is all blood. It is bright red. I mean there is a LOT of blood.

I don’t want any money.

I’m proud to be a Marine.

I don’t regret any part of it.

It might not be cancer but I don’t want to know if it is.

I don’t mind dying and there is very little pain.

I just don’t want my family to sue the Marine Corps if they find out.

I am permanently disabled (not war related). It’ psych related

I live at my mom’s house.

She has seen the blood. She asked about it.

I just played it off.

She suspects something is wrong. I almost never leave my room.

The VA is a good place. ( it wasn’t good 30 years ago )

I hate that I have to call in my meds. I always call late and I have to go without my meds for a few days. It is my fault. I just hate making phone calls. It is just something that I really have a hard time doing. Other than that The VA is great.

I just needed to tell someone. Since this is relatively anonymous, I thought I’d tell you.

I’ve posted a few poems here. I don’t have one that fits this topic though. Whoever commented a while back and called me VA soldier boy, thank you for the complement that you wrote. Your kind words helped me through the night.

Take care

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