• 2 years ago

All you need to do is live you life as if we never met and never speak of me to anyone ever again, literally act as if we have never met and I don’t care who you date or are with.

We could be standing in the same room with you and you significant other who we both know, as long as nobody knows that we knew each other 20 years ago, there’s problem. I have no feelings for you.

That’s what I do. I don’t even think about or talk about you to anyone. It’s as if it never happened. Your problem is fist of all you have a big mouth, you like to cause problems, and you are never in anything for love so you don’t care that you date insecure, immature boys who can’t just leave s*** alone and enjoy what they have. It’s not like I ever react to them. Like I said I go through life acting like we never met and don’t know each other. They get really bothered by this for some reason which usually causes me problems.

So do that. I don’t care who or what you are with, as long as they don’t know about what we had, it’s all good.

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