• 4 years ago

I just wanted to best friend so badly. I know that can’t be you though. I don’t want to beg you to be my friend. I really would appreciate being able to talk though. I’m just asking to be able to talk when conversation. I want things to be OK. I miss you I know you don’t feel the same but you meant so goddamn much to me pretty please like can we make peace with this and Sarah goodbyes? I know you moved on I know you don’t want me but I feel so bad about what happened. I just want things to be OK. Please would you consider I’m just asking for one conversation. I know we can’t be friends

I just pray to God someday I can have a best friend again for real print sometimes I get so lonely I want so much to be close to Someone ….But I know it can’t be you. That’s really hard but I accept it I just want to know how much I really do care about you pretty please can you consider just one conversation. You never have to talk to me again I just want things to be OK. I want to be able to go to I’m trying so hard. I just can’t seem to let go of the idea that we can be friends again I want you so badly in my life. Maybe this is what I need to give up
Is there anyway you might just a little one phone call? That’s really all I want is the last four months

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