• 4 years ago

When did you do to become more confident and what did you do?Would be very much appreciated for any answers.

Also good luck to all of you building your confidence up,you can do it!(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

I would say I’m neutral confident at the moment but not where I want to be yet.

All Comments

  • Hi,
    “All the World’s a stage and all the men and women merely players, they have their exits and their entrances” and that pretty much says it all.
    We pretend to be, who we wish to be and how well we pretend to be, is how others see us, because they don’t know us from a bar of soap and they form their impressions of us, depending on how well we play the part and how they see us in that part we play.
    Change the way we play a part, determines how better or worse people see us.
    Once you play the part you wish to be and to be seen as, with people who have never met you before, you will be accepted as that person.
    Just be positive and outgoing, irrespective of how you feel inside and if you play the part long enough, then it will become the most natural thing for you to do and then you become “the person who you wish to be, from the person who you previously were.
    I have played this new part at least 6 times in my lifetme, starting from when I was 24 and to date – my last “transition” was about 15 years ago and the new me is completely different from the old one and I could not be happier with the final result of where I am now.
    Best Wishes…….

    Anonymous January 17, 2020 8:55 pm Reply
    • Thank you and not trying to be weird but I’ve actually thought about what you have stated before as well (ironic).We can litreally re-design ourselves and for some reason to me that’s really crazy to think about. No ones really ever really discusses this a lot before so I just dismissed my thoughts about it.Makes me wonder who I really am or who I am is who I want to be. The mind is so complex to me.Thank you for sharing your wisdom and best wishes to you too.

      Anonymous January 17, 2020 9:30 pm Reply
  • You are who you were brought up to be, by your parents and the various places you went and the people who you met, who made you as “they” wanted you to be, to prepare you for a life of work and pay, for whatever you wanted out of life and you became comfortable in the way they formed your thinking and how you dress and how you behave, whether you are with someone or you are on your own.
    But it was a learned behaviour and how you live your life now, was designed by them, to have you conform to predetermined behaviours and you have become comfortable behaving the way you do and being who you are.
    But that does not mean you can’t change yourself to be someone else and the process is very easy, if you are prepared to put the time and effort into making it so.
    Think of who you want to be most in life and what you want most out of life and list all of these things on a Word Processor – as many things as you can think of, say over 48 hours, both impossible and easy to achieve.
    Then pick out the 10 that you most want to achieve first, to be who you ideally want to change, from where you are now and cut and paste them in order, from the simplest to the hardest and most impossible and number them 1 to 10.
    Increase the font size to the largest size you can comfortably read – and save that page.
    Every day and as often as possible, repeat those 10 things you want to achieve, like a mantra, over and over loudly (or as loudly as you can without disturbing anyone else) whenever you have the opportunity and feel what you are achieving and put your heart and soul into it.
    Over a period of time, you will achieve the easiest things first, so cross those off and continue with the remainder until you have changed yourself, by all 10 of the things you wanted to achieve and then you will be the person who you wanted to be, in the first stage.
    Then do it all over again, but this time from a different perspective and keep doing this until you become whoever and whatever you want yourself to be.
    This is called “Goal Setting” and I have used it to conform to the expectations made on me by my employer, to better myself and the image I had of myself and to be a better all round person for me, so that I could meet and chat up women easy as pie and finally the person who I am now.
    All you do is reprogram your mind, away from the personality you have been taught to be, to be someone else and ideally achieve and obtain everything you want out of life for yourself, bearing in mind that how we behave, is how others see us and judge us and pigeon hole us and decide if they want to be with us or not and the more outgoing you become, the more positive people you will attract to you, while, if you sit in the background and never draw attention to yourself, then you will remain unseen, because nobody wants to be with a wall flower.
    At the outset, thanks to my upbringing and my parents, I could not talk to women, I blushed, I shook like I was physically ill, I had a huge hard on, I stuttered and perspired and I could not do anything to change how I was because it was ingrained in me through years of emotional and physical abuse.
    I changed where I lived, rather drastically – I moved from England to live in New Zealand and I started over, pretending to be who I wanted to be and while I quivered and quaked inside, I never let anything show on the outside, until I became who I wanted to be and I became a success in everything I put my hand to, including women, bearing in mind I was as skinny as a pin and I was born with and I’ve had a pot belly, all of my life.
    Women don’t judge guys by what they look like, they judge guys by how well they conduct themselves and how out going they are and how much fun they are to be around and when they get used to you, then they want to be around you even more and that often turns to love and much more – it really dooes not matter what you look like or how big or small your dick is, it is all about compatibility and being able to give of yourself, without a price tag attached, or rather, the price tag is there, but it’s not so obvious, let’s say, because I’ve a taste for anal sex with women only now and they are never into it from the get go and need some encouragement, after which it becomes acceptable practice, because they want to please me, as much as I pleasure them, so it’s a win/win for both of us.
    Best Wishes………

    Anonymous January 17, 2020 11:39 pm Reply

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