• 4 years ago

To: To: Pakistani Princess. So me and my wife are from the UK. Me: You are getting confused with the Western way of living with your wife and the Muslim way, which is completely different. The man is head of the household and not the woman. This woman has you p**** whipped and until you put her over your knee and spank her bottom on a regular basis, which can be very e***** and take back control of your life and your marriage, you won’t have much of a life with her, because she is running rings around you. In Muslim hierarchy the female is valuable after the pots and pans . There used to be a saying that women follow the man but 6 steps back and then when there Arabic wars occurred, the women walked 6 steps ahead of the man (for land mines). I know for a fact that women always sit on the back seat and never the front seats, where the men sit and that the Muslim woman is expected to cover herself totally, so that no skin shows, when she goes out, with, sometimes a scarf or shawl over her head, so that none of her hair shows and that she is totally owned by her husband and must obey him in all ways. Ideally, she should have much s** for many children, because before, the children worked and looked after their parents, when they could no longer work. Under Islam Law, a woman can be divorced by her husband saying I divorce thee 3 times, but a Muslim woman cannot get divorced easily. She has to submit her evidence to an Imam and have the Imam decide if you, her husband, had failed in your marriage to her, so that he might grant a divorce. In many cases, older men marry much younger women and when the men die, it is up to their wives if they marry again. Your wife should have been a virgin when you married her and that was just for you, so that you were her first lover and the first person to take her virginity and the only person who would ever see her undressed. So. She has absolutely no rights and you have all of the rights under Islam. You have to take control of her and whip her into shape, so that she is a body for you to f***, whenever you desire it and she must serve you in all ways, as all women should, but out silly Western Laws have given women the vote and equality and men are now second rate citizens in our own culture. A total role reversal. Put your Muslim wife in her place, by beating her a** whenever you feel like it. You might have to fight her, especially if she has become Westernized, but men are generally stronger than women, so that should not be a problem. Before you could marry her, you had to become a Muslim. Now you are a Muslim, treat her as if she is your servant, there to service you in every way that you want including however you want to have s** with her. She has no rights at all and under Islam, you can have 4 wives in total and she does not have any say in the matter, if you feel so inclined and you can financially support them, however of an age where they have not had their first period yet……….Becoming a Muslim took courage, but to be honest, you are in the Pound seats within the Muslim community of which you are a part and if I had my life over, knowing what I know now of both cultures, I’d want to be a Muslim too, as long as I was not expected, by the Imam, to blow myself up with a bomb, for the 16 black eyed virgins I’d get in the afterlife, which is as honest, or dishonest as Christianity and all of the crap they serve up while donations go into their pockets to service their needs and the Western churches are nothing better than confidence tricksters who ply on your fears of what happens to you when you die. You die. That’s it. A part of life. We are dying from the day we are born and we are a long time dead. Time then to decide on religion and if it really had any truth or purpose. Better yet, seek audience with your Imam and ask him how your wife is expected to behave in your marriage with you and seek his guidance to get the best out of her, the Islam way and then if she has any problems with that, you can tell her your Imam has guided you in how she should behave and you are only doing what he suggested and if she does not like it, tough t****.
You are a Muslim after all. Don’t forget that women sit apart from men in the Mosque because they don’t have any rights.
Best Wishes………

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