14 years

I am a married muslim woman …i’ve been married for 1 and a half year. My husband “T” and I are not connecting anymore..always fighting and we don’t agree on anything. We are two very different people…I don’t feel like he cares about me. He is very selfish and arrogant. I’m falling in love for his brother “A” who i have a lot incommon with. We can talk about anything and we are always having fun and jokin around. We always teas each other and make fun of each other. We have the same way of thinking, and we like the ecxact same things. He cares alot about me and i feel like he would do anything to make me happy…he is the perfect guy! I’m deeply in love with him. Everytime i see him, my heart skips a beat…my hands shake and my cheeks turn red…i get nervous. All i want to do is to be with him, i think about him all the time. I can’t even kiss my husband without feeling guilty, cause he doesn’t know what’s happening to me. At night i cry myself to sleep next to my husband…because i know i’ll never get to be with him . And i know he feels the same about me…before i married his brother “T” there was something going on between me and “A”. We liked eachother…but nothing ever happened and we stopped talking. I started seeing “T” and it got serious and we got married. but i regret every second of it. I wish i could go back in time and change everything. I love “A” so much it hurts evertime i see him, knowing that there will NEVER be anything between us. What should i do..i can’t keep living like this. It’ painfull..please some advice?

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