• 5 years ago

I was born into this world with very caring, religious parents, I have always crushed on boys because they are good looking seem like they perform good s** but I acc could never loved anybody not even my own mother, when I was afraid of losing my mum it was because I was afraid that I would be homeless or I would not have money. I have grew up seeing all my friends loving each other or loving a boy and I feel completely left out because I can’t feel that. I was really confused about why I can’t find these feeling anywhere and why can’t I love or feel anything but rage or jealousy or envy or joy from money or s***** pleasure, so I searched it up and kept searching and searching down the internet until I came up on an article which described exactly what was going on with me and it said that I am a “Psychopath” and so I was asking my family and friends what a psychopath is and they also said that it only takes up 1% of the population and I still don’t like the fact that I am part of that 1%. I don’t feel anything, I don’t feel love or anything, but I do feel left out, so left out and I hate it.

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