• 5 years ago

I recently got into a relationship with a guy and it’s not as smooth as butter, could’ve been better with a little cooperation but we are still trying to make it work because we like each other. Our friend circle is common and his guy friends are also my friends. There’s this guy friend who is our common friend and I and my bf help him with his relationship problems, when he asks us to. But when it comes to supporting either of us, he chooses my bf even if his cause for an argument is unreasonable. Moreover, my bf confides everything, literally every freaking thing to this guy friend of ours although I have told him not to. From our petty quarrels to intimate moments- everything he tells the guy friend. I get it, you want someone to confide in, and well, that’s why we are in a relationship. We’ve fought over this lot of times and he’s said he won’t share every detail but he still does that and the guy friend comes to me to solve our problems. Maybe he wants our well being or something but the relationship is between me and my bf, we can solve it if we want and we can break it up if we don’t think we are compatible. I am just so confused whether to be in this relationship anymore.

All Comments

  • It may be his character. But restrict him with limitations. If you want to change one because of this and choosing another. What if another guy have worst behaviour than this.

    Anonymous January 19, 2019 5:12 pm Reply

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