• 6 years ago

I have conflicted feelings about my boyfriend.

I like some things about him, he’s funny, and I like doing stuff with him. He’s enjoyable to be around if you shut off your brain.

But then he is a slob, bad hygiene, expects me to be like a housewife but won’t take on the husband role-he thinks f****** me is enough (he’s like a living v*******), constantly broke (I don’t mind paying sometimes but now he almost never buys me a thing-yet to cheat he is willing to buy stuff to get the women he cheats with to open their legs even though he has a supportive, attractive, loving, loyal girlfriend)

I’ve done a lot for him. Lots of people say I could do better. I have supported him. I keep myself looking cute for him. I clean, cook, do whatever he wants. But somehow it’s not enough. I’m literally a living “waifu” (like those perfect anime girls) for him and it’s not enough. Long hair, slim, cute clothes, clean, cook, whatever he asks I will do my best to satisfy him. It’s not enough. He strays, he lies, he doesn’t want to own up to it. Like he wants to be in denial. He cheats with women much much older, less attractive, and more vindictive than me. Women who will destroy his property. I have been hurt by him and never destroyed anything of his.

It sounds horrible and like hell but then he has moments where he is nice to me, swears he loves me, if I leave he tries to get me back, and the biggest thing is he’s my only friend. I’m very shy and a introvert. It’s so hard for me to meet people or make friends. If I lose him I will be alone. But with him it’s like a rollercoaster where one moment I am very happy and the next I feel tortured.

All Comments

  • Don’t let him manipulate you girl there comes a time where you have to decide do you want a unfaithful child for the rest of your life people don’t change unless they want to and from the looks of things he doesn’t want to does he really love you or is he just scared of loosing his housemaid

    Anonymous October 7, 2018 5:12 pm Reply
  • You both have become dependent on each other for one thing or another. It’s scary, but I absolutely think it will be worth leaving his undeserving ass and finding yourself new friends or even a new lover. There are plenty of communities for introverts – and they are even easier to find now that we have the internet. Once you are rid of him, necessity will make it easier and more desired for you to find others who are worth your time. You seem like a caring individual and if you keep giving and giving and giving to someone who does nothing but takes and takes and takes, you’ll eventually be drained and bitter (as I am) ha.

    Anonymous October 7, 2018 10:19 pm Reply

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