• 6 years ago

I have a lot of s**t I want to confess because I keep my thoughts bottled up inside and I don’t talk to anyone and tell anyone about them

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  • I had that too at one time. I eventually snapped, went to my aunt, told her I was seriously contemlating the looney bin and I needed to vent, and I proceeded to spew every single thing that was causing me problems. Every single thing. People, names, everything. I even told her that I have a foot fetish because it played into some of it. I mean I told her every fucking thing and some of it was pretty god damn up, and at the time she didn’t know what to think of it. I told her everything because I wanted an honest opinion. That was like 8 years ago, and luckily, though nothing was ever spoken of any of it again, and she was left not knowing what the fuck, but I am absolutely confident that since, shit has absolutely proven itself to be right on.

    So I would say you need to find somebody to vent to.

    Anonymous September 17, 2018 11:16 pm Reply

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