• 6 years ago

Pottermore made me realize my happiest memory, and it is not a very happy one to be honest. Back when I was in college, I was very stressed. I had just transferred from community college, changed majors forcibly by my mother from a major i loved to one that would “make more money”, and was having a very hard time adjusting. I failed my classes… then I failed again. My first couple years… were a big bad blur of me becoming depressed with suicidal thoughts. All I really remember was forcing myself to live everyday. forcing myself to look both ways when i crossed the street, forcing myself to stay where i was standing when my train came. I met some people one day through a video game club and we all hung a lot for a semester. Then one day I was waiting to take my train home after a hangout. I realized, I wasn’t forcing myself to stay in place when the train came. The thought of me jumping into traffic/trains/overpass/ect, weren’t at the front of my mind for once. This was my happiest moment.

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