• 7 years ago

I’m honestly agains the making more genders thing. It’s absolutely retarded. You are either born with a p****, or a v*****. Nothing else. I’m a bit homophobic. But in general, I dont give a damn if ur gay, transgender, or even a f****** toaster. I also hate how many (not saying all) gays get triggered when they see straight people getting supported aswell. Isn’t the LGBT community supposed to be supporting equality and not hating on the straight peeps? Like its getting caried away man. I also hate how when someone you’ve never met calls you a he or she gets you triggered. Like sure ur gay, okay. Just dont go TOO crazy over it.

All Comments

  • SO TRUE.

    Anonymous June 28, 2017 2:44 pm Reply
  • Firstly i would Hate to blow your mind, but not all people are born penises or vaginas, some people are born intersex and therefore have very ambigous genitalia. Secondly, I’ve always been confused why people are bothered by “Making more genders a thing”, i dont have an opinion either way because Im an actual adult with real issues, and the forementioned issue does not effect me in any way shape or form, Im way more bothered by world poverty and my bills than the pronouns some random person uses. Im also interested in what you mean by gays being “triggered” by straight people being supported? I see no purpose in extra support for heterosexuals If that is what you mean(we are automatically presumed to be equal and the norm, contary to lgbt people) just like i dont see any point in white Pride parades. If you have encountered gay people that truly despise straight people i can assure you that they suck, but as a dude with quite a few gay friends the idea is completly foreign to me. I do hope this post did not come of as combative though since it was far from my intention, Im just a bit over people complaining about these things since it seems to be the in thing to complain about nowadays. Come to think of it i see way more complains of this nature than people complaining about straight people/being mispronouned(or other “sjw” behavior)

    Anonymous March 6, 2018 12:01 am Reply

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