• 4 years ago

I had an argument with my mom because my bedsheet got stained because of my period blood. She said that I am irresponsible and nasty. I was sleeping and I didn’t knew when my pad got full. Not only she called me nasty but she said that it’s terrible to have a daughter like me and I should have died. I don’t think it’s because of this incident, she genuinely hates me. She just wants to get rid of me, no matter if this happens with me being alive or dead. I have exams coming and this whole thing is bothering me. She makes sure everyday to make me believe I am a loser and I should not leave. Not only her but my dad too. He mocks me almost everyday about anything that I am doing. I have got major anxiety disorder because of all this and they keep calling me a psycho and how messy someone’s life could become because of me.

LOng story short, I don’t have a will to live anymore.

All Comments

  • Ignore them completely. If you want use their words against them and when they next insult you laugh and say wile smiling “Well we’ll see in 10 years how much of a failure I am when I fly through my exams. The only failure I see is you and dad because you have just made sure to make my life a living hell and give me no reason to live but now I have a new reason and that’s proving you both wrong. When you suffer because of old age if your lucky enough to live longer then don’t expect me to be waiting outside the hospital. I’ll make sure when I have kids you never see them so you can’t make them suffer & I’ll bring them up better than you. Have a miserable day I’m off to graduate and pass my exams. Bye!” Then just give them a sarcastic smile and if you can leave the house and go to a police station. This is mental abuse in which your parents may have used on other people and I think it would be best to tell someone.

    I know it will be ever so hard at points but you’ll eventually realise the pain they had cause and how much damage it done to your childhood. Having a family who foster I have heard many similar cases from my foster aunts and uncles and after they had reported it their lives became much easier.

    Go to the Police and walk in crying and report everything that’s been going and state “It’s getting too much I don’t think I can take this anymore they make me feel so low and want to take my own life”. Explain how they have de-graded you about your period and other occasions and how they belittle you.

    I’m so sorry to hear all of this, if it was my choice I wouldn’t care how old you are I’d adopt you and raise you as my own. I wish you immense luck through life and may love & luck be on your side. If you ever feel alone just look at the moon and know I’ll always be there looking at the moon too x

    Anonymous February 9, 2020 4:16 pm Reply
  • Sounds like dysfunctional family dynamics on parade.
    Hang in there hon, study hard, and move out as soon as possible.
    Don’t do any self destructive behaviour or get prego. Best.

    Anonymous February 9, 2020 5:08 pm Reply
  • She sounds narcissistic and abusive. As a woman, she should know fully well that these stains sometimes happen even when you try to prevent them, because she was suffering the same thing once. Yet she’s using it as an excuse to berate you for things beyond your control. Her words make it sound like her real issues are with herself, but she can’t admit that, so she takes it out on you.

    Keep fighting and pushing through. There will come a day when you can break free from them and cut off contact from their toxic behavior. It will be difficult, and the healing process will also be tough. But you are not your parents. Don’t let them define who you are.

    Anonymous February 9, 2020 6:14 pm Reply
  • get a job save up move out

    Anonymous February 9, 2020 9:29 pm Reply
    • Depends how young she may be, hopefully she’s at an age to earn good money x

      Anonymous February 9, 2020 9:31 pm Reply
  • Sounds like your mom is dried up and resentful. She must be losing her memory because she doesn’t remember when she was a girl? Accidents can happen. Do you have any other relatives you could live with? I think you mom needs some medication so her brain will function properly.

    Anonymous February 9, 2020 11:21 pm Reply
  • Your parents are toxic. Plan ahead so you can move out as soon as possible. You’ll have to create your own new life. Choose your friends well, you’ll need their emotional support.

    Anonymous February 10, 2020 2:32 am Reply

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