
  • 15 years ago

I just can’t seem to forgive, i try all the times but whenever i get the chance to know that the people who hurt me in the past are going well i keep on feeling anger

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  • Take your time to forgive… Maybe you just keep on saying to yourself that you have forgiven them but the truth is that you haven’t… As human being we are capable of feelings… such as happiness, sadness, pain, hurtings, love and especially hatred…

    Being anger does not mean that you are a bad person… but it is just a manifestation of being hurt… It is a natural feeling… Do not rush yourself in forgiving… Thinking that you are willing to forgive in your own good time is good enough to find peace.

    Also note, that forgiveness does not necessary mean that everything will be back as it used to be. There are times that it is better to leave things as it is now. The most important thing is to find peace… PEACE of HEART and PEACE of MIND. Seek for them and you will find forgiveness…

    Anonymous September 28, 2009 1:42 pm Reply
  • i am going through the same, i expected myself to be able to find peace and forgive as soon as i decided it was the only thing left to do, but it doesnt work- and its very frustrating when you start thinking that there should be a way of forgiving someone and you just can’t figure out especially when they themselves give you no reason to forgive them.

    however its a very high expectation of yourself, and the worse pain is always admitting your human, and altho we vary in strength we all have to go through the same things in these situations.

    you just have to accept people for who and what they are, you cannot change them nor become like them.

    Anonymous September 29, 2009 7:44 am Reply

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