15 years

Yesterday I got one of my random angry outburst while on my dads laptop. my mom and my sister were also downstairs, I was getting pretty mad because they kept on nagging me about something while I was playing bookworm (lol) so, I randomly threw the mouse at the screen (stupid) (don’t judge), it felt good. but then I realized that the lcd had just been cracked. the colors were all funky and there was a b******** line across the screen, I could no longer see anything on the screen. I said, “OH , NO”. “uh,what the heck happened”. Like I didn’t have a clue what just happened. my mom said, ” how this happen, I said “I don’t know”. “maybe, it cracked when I was coming down stairs”, or that is was probably already cracked and just got worst while I was on the thing. she believed me. my sister questioned me, I was to good of a liar, so she believed me to (kinda). eventually my mom called my dad who was on a business trip in Kansas about what happened. I told him the same story. he said he isn’t mad and that ill have to pay to replace the screen. HE WASN’T MAD! The only reason I lied was because I knew he would get mad, and I have screwed up recently in the past so bad that I didn’t wont to get into anymore trouble or make my parents more mad, the truth is I had one of my stupid uncontrolled anger things happen, and they don’t like when I break things out of anger, so I lied. I know this doesn’t sound that bad, but all my lies have caught up with me and this is just bothering me. I feel so bad

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