• 7 years ago

What if I were to say I am a man and I raped someone before? Many people would say I ruined another persons life and caused them to be shameful and hate people, amongst other emotions forever. So I may go to jail-depending on my ethnicity and age for life.

But what if I’m to say that I too was raped and abused my entire life? What if I am to say I am a woman as well? Then the views become skewed. People would look at my life history and say I deserve a second chance because I too was taken advantage of and couldn’t know right from wrong because my brain couldn’t process the traumatic events in a rational way. So I may not go to jail afterall.

Others would say because I experienced that pain, why couldn’t I learn not to project that onto someone else?

What if I’m to say that never happened but because I believe in forgiveness that people deserve second chances? I think if people are punished for their actions, never commit that same crime again and truly show regret and remorse for the pain they have caused others they could repent their sins and show how much they have changed since the incident. Now I am not saying we let rapists, murders, thieves etc go from prison to run wild and free. But if they show they understand what they did was wrong, apologize, get punished, never commit the crime again and show they can become a decent human being despite their flaws…

couldn’t they be seen as human beings again?

All Comments

  • Everyone that commits any kind of crime has had a difficult upbringing and has problems in life, but so have millions of other people who have never committed a crime. You can show love and understanding for rapists but it must never be as a substitute for punishment and they still deserve to be locked up.

    Anonymous August 7, 2017 2:50 am Reply
  • Are you agreeing or disagreeing with the OP? Because they said if the person got punished for a crime and showed true remorse that they should be forgiven.
    People change. People change physically, they change their views as well. You can do one thing in a moment and think it was right but reflect later and realize you made a very bad choice.
    Human beings are not perfect. They make mistakes. And while they can never fix those mistakes. They can realize them and makes steps to never do them again. So yes punish them of course but at some point redemption should be allowed. Unless you are a righteous, omnipotent being and have never done wrong then it is unfair to keep bad judgement on a person for eternity.

    Anonymous August 7, 2017 7:49 am Reply

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