• 1 year ago

okay so one of my friends has a crush on me, like i know this, a couple of our other friends know this, we went on a coffee date back in october that we then decided was not in fact a date but an outing between friends but anyway i kind of maybe like him? idk? he makes me laugh? and i want to hold his hand? but i don’t want to get married, like, ever, that’s something i’ve known for a while now, i don’t want to have kids or get married, but the entire f****** point of dating is to find someone you want to marry, someone to spend the rest of your life with, and i know he wants that because, yknow, he’s normal, i’m not, i’m afraid of commitment and the future and having a family but i do kind of like him and i’d like to try and go on a proper date- we are going to a formal together in a few weeks with a couple of friends of ours who are a couple- but there is NO POSSIBLE WAY anything could work out and i don’t want to hurt him so better to call it off now and never get into it than try and make something work and we both get hurt right but now i’m stuck because i can never have that type of relationship and F***

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