14 years

dad do you hate me because im a female?
it’s not fair with all the stuff my 18 year old brother did like stealing money and getting locked up in jail you still treat him like nothing happend.
and why do you always blame me for evrything why dont you care about me when im hurt or sad you dont even remember when is my b-day or how old i am!
when i ask u for money you never give me any yet your people from your hometown you give them money like nothing even if its 10,000 it dont matter they deserve it better than your own daughter right?
wrong you never care about me plus i think you dont even love me your always calling me fat, idiot, p************, garbage, dog!
you always ignore me and know since im 15 im gonna get a job so i can go to college and get a good job so i can earn my own godamm money you never had exept for your godam f****** family in your hometown!
me and my 2 other sisters wonder why do treat my brother better than us and why do you hit my mom and us you know what i really dont care hope when you retire go to your hometown and your homwtown family what they f****** deserve f****** money dont worry mom im not gonna leave you i still with you forever til you die and i really dont give a s*** if my dad dies hell i wont even go to his dam funeral dont worry mom ill get a good job so i can take you where ever you want that my dad was too cheap enough to take you! my lifes not fair but what goes around comes around!

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