• 5 years ago

I have been having issues with getting a b**** or staying it up this year… So I began to be curious about my s********. If I maybe bisexual or gay… I downloaded an app called grindr, and a guy started talking to me, we exchange number, his on the same boat as well, curious, but have kids…

It wasn’t a lot of conversation just very superficial. Anyhow, I completely forgot about it. Then my girlfriend of 5 years found my text message with this guy. And my life just shattered into tiny pieces. I know that it’s my fault and it’s probably karma coming 360 that I’m doing this behind her back. I hurt her so much and explained my rationale of my actions. What’s killing me is her kindness, she hasn’t forgiven me yet, but was willing to work things out. I don’t believe in therapy but this is something that she thinks that we should do.

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