• 6 years ago

I have been pretending to be pregnant. I met my Fiancee in May of 2017. We started dating in June of 2017. When we first started we were great. Then I found out he was still legally married, that he still lived with his Wife. I wanted to leave but it was too late. I fell pregnant, I still got my periods, but the doctor confirmed a pregnancy. I thought he was just “friends” with his Wife. But it turns out they were more than friends. He told her he left me, and he kept me in the dark. Four months later his Wife came to my door saying she needs to know if I’m pregnant, and that they are still together. I found out everything. A week later I lost the baby. The baby never made it pass 8 weeks. I never did find out what it was. I left him and I tried to move on. After two weeks he served her with divorce papers and asked me to give him a chance. – His Wife became spiteful and she told me she can’t have children. That she’s glad our baby died, because after 12 years of trying she found out she can’t conceive. I was angry and wanted to hurt her. I told him I was pregnant. I tried for months to get pregnant. I was hoping if I just kept trying I would get pregnant. Its been 9 months and no baby.. I tried so hard to get pregnant but it hasn’t happened. I haven’t told my now Fiancee that I’m not pregnant. I don’t have the heart. He hasn’t noticed my periods and he has not asked to go to appointments. I feel sick for what I did. I know faking a pregnancy is never okay. I want to curl up in a ball and hide away. She is so hurt from my “pregnancy” she spent a fortune in the divorce. She has cried herself to sleep.. My fiancee has given up a 12 year marriage just for “us”. I’m a sick person and I don’t deserve to be loved..

All Comments

  • Awful shit you’re going through. Can the relationship you have base on this kind of lies? Sometimes it works, sometimes not.

    Anonymous August 31, 2018 9:31 am Reply
  • all 3 of yall need a board certified psychiatrist. thank god he knows whats best and kept children away from you ppl.

    Anonymous August 31, 2018 1:22 pm Reply

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