• 6 years ago

I’m married to a wonderful guy but he committed a s** crime as a teenager. He still feels badly about it and is sometimes depressed. However, I love to manipulate his poor self esteem to get whatever I want from him. Sometimes I’ve hurt him so bad that he’s afraid to make love to me. But it’s fun for me to watch him suffer and I don’t want to be like that anymore. I want to help him build his confidencenup again so we can start a family and be happy. How will I ever make up for all the emotional wounds I inflicted on him? I know he won’t leave me, either because it would be hard if not impossible for him to find someone else. Am I too cruel? I’ve called him scum of the earth, worthless, no one could love him, a monster. I’ve physically abused him as well and he takes it because he’s afraid he’ll never have the chance to love again and despite everything, he’s always treated me with respect. How do I stoo mistreating him?

All Comments

  • yeah you’re definitely being abusive. What he did is not okay, and he shouldn’t be made to feel that it was, but violence and emotional abuse isn’t okay either. His wrong doesn’t make your wrong right.

    Anonymous May 20, 2018 6:48 pm Reply
  • Why would you do that? If the tables were turned would you not want mercy. You can’t say you love him , fact is he was a teenager when he did what he did, and you have the gall to dig up his past and throw that in his face…… You are worse than him he was a teenager when he messed up you are a grown adult. I hope he finds the courage to leave your Ass in the dust and let you wallow in your own god forsaken misery .what you need to do is get on your fucking knees and beg him to forgive your shit pile that you lay in front of him for no other reason than the fact that you have no self worth so you want him to feel worse than you do.

    Anonymous May 20, 2018 10:51 pm Reply
    • I truly love him from the bottom of my heart. What I did was wrong and I’ve been in individual therapy and see what was wrong with my actions. Tonight, I’m going to start rebuilding his trust. I made a vow to never touch him again except in a loving manner. Which is why tonight I cleaned our bedroom, put a lot of candles, chocolates, and roses in there, decorated our big garden tub. And cooked his favorite dinner. I want to massage him in the tub and have us relax in the bedroom. And even if he’s not ready for sex yet, I will stay by him all night and massage and cuddle him. What I did to him was terribly, terribly wrong and I hope we can repair our relationship. I want to have his babies and grow old with him. I hope he csn forgive me. ?

      Anonymous May 20, 2018 11:38 pm Reply
  • You fucked up ypur sexual relationship so you kinda fucked it up for yourself. I like to view my man as a hot blooded sexual dominant man. Thatd be destroyed if i abused him or made him feel less manly utd ruin the dynamic. You blrw it u really blew it. Hope u can get back to an ok place but itll never be the same after you crossed certain lines

    Anonymous May 20, 2018 11:50 pm Reply
  • If he goes to prison for killing you I hope he get early release!!!!!! !!!!!!.

    Anonymous May 21, 2018 3:42 am Reply
  • Well, it was partly successful last night. He did seem uncomfortable with all the loving attention I gave him, but it passed. We snuggled for hours, and out of the blue, he said he wanted to try having sex. I didn’t think he would. He was very timid at first until I reassured him I would do nothing to hurt him. It made me sad how timid he was to start, but it got better nsd man I had forgotten how good of a lover he is. Afterwards, I cuddled him and asked for his forgiveness. He squeezed my hand and gently kissed my lips and told me to give him some time. Then he fell asleep in my arms. God, I will never physically or emotionally abuse that man again. Everyone, please keep us in your prayers as we are healing. I hope we can have a great future.

    Anonymous May 21, 2018 10:01 am Reply

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