4 days

Corrected and Completed Version.

I’m Black Death and I’ve been here in the USA for a long time. Me and other Black nurses sterilize white boys every chance we get.

We had an white boy in the unit this week. His balls were so pink and supple and so tempting. So I got a doctor’s order to put him in restraints.

Since he was in restraints I had to put a catheter up his co ck. I had my Black CNA shove it up his co ck. She loves to hear the white boys moan and beg as she forces it up their tiny little co cks. She loves the panicked look on their face.

I held his soft balls in my hand and stroked them. Then I tied them up to isolate each ball by itself. I put my ID card right under those t i e d u p balls and snapped a photo. Another set of white balls captured, ti e d u p, displayed, tagged and ready for sterilization.

They were so pink but after being tied, they started to turn blue and purple. The veins began to bulge. I would have preferred to make him into a gelding and just cut them off.

It was covid vaccination time so I drew up four syringes of vaccine so our other nurses would get to practice injecting his balls. I opened a pack of alcohol wipes. I wiped his balls while my CNA and another nurse watched.

By now his bound up balls were straining against the cord that wrapped around them. His balls looked so fascinating sticking out in the air, one ball suspended on each side of his small erect shaft. Purple balls with a tiny 4 inch erection in the middle.

He saw the syringes and watched his balls get wiped and he knew what was going to happen, but I asked him anyway. I asked, “Do you know what is going to happen next?” He started to beg and plead. It was entertaining so we listened for a while.

Then my CNA picked up a syringe and selected a ball. She wiped the ball again with alcohol. And then she slowly pushed the needle into his ball as she pressed on the plunger emptying the whole syringe into his ball.

Only three more to go, she told him. He begged and squirmed but the restraints held him. There was no escape for him. His balls were fully exposed and there was nothing he could do to save them. Another CNA stepped up and took her turn pushing a needle all the way through his ball from front to back, emptying the sterilization vaccine along the way into his ball. She took her time as he moaned. She asked him, “Does that hurt pretty little white boy?” He moaned.

The last two syringes were emptied into his balls. By now he was sterile. No white babies being made by that boy. I wiped the small drops of blood from each ball and then untied them.

The loose balls dropped down but then his sac tightened. Through all of this, he kept his erection. I gave his little erect co ck a flick of my finger and it wobbled a little, impaled on the catheter.

He asked for pain medication but I denied it. I told him to savor the pain and remember that Black is beautiful! His balls ached for hours as he suffered the fate all white boys deserve.

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