• 2 years ago

And that woke wimp s*** was one of the key reasons this and you got irritating to me. There was a long list of s*** that wore real thin with me. Everything. The nasally voice. Bad musical taste. Terrible musical taste. bad taste in general. The faggy Simon and Garfunkel disc cover in their turtle necks. F***** music taste. The inability to be a man and s*** up pain and shut up if you got hurt. The s***** dance clubs. Gardening. All the women who you seemed to be friends with from even as far back when I was naive enough to not think “those two are lesbians…” the majority of them obviously lesbians, ugly, not very good personalities, some of them pretty but you weren’t getting any out of them. Most women don’t want to be friends with men. So what made you different? I realised later…. You’re a f*****.

Who remains friends with their brothers ex, who is not even attractive, stupid, ugly irrational, retarded way of thinking and it ended badly between them? Easy, a f*****.

Who reaches out where they don’t belong and makes friends with a woman who is seeing a “friend” they haven’t spoken to in years because said friend is not around for whatever reason (annoyance, irritation)? Easy, an obsessed f*****.

Personally, I don’t call people like that “friends”. It’s not something I willingly put myself around. I hate a lot of people, types of people and that type is near the top of the list. I don’t put myself around that and I boycott anything in modern culture that is that.

Anyone who gets near you or is connected to you is an automatic permanent write off to me. No question, without exception. If they reach out to me in any way, it just makes me, like I said, want to saw their f****** head off with a dull knife.

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