• 2 years ago

This person on here losing it over a girl, no exaggeration dead serious, no exaggeration, needs a bullet to it me brain.

Seriously. Buddy you need to be dead. You are a walking f****** abortion. What the f*** is wrong with your parents breeding and not f****** aborting when your mother did get pregnant? Your parents must have been fucked. You seem to me like a prime example of what happens when people have f****** kids, they have seriously wrong genetics they’re screwy in the head, they’re ugly, stupid, your PARENTS are probably walking abortions, they should not have been born but they mix genetics, pop you out, and you are completely fucked. You are one of those kids it’s hard not to smack you around bit so they take you to the Doctor, because they don’t want to deal with it, they’re stupid AND lazy so they cram pills down your throat by the dozens. Which changes you chemically so that when we get to this point in your 30’s you’re a complete mess in the head loser WITH DRUGS or worse, without.

You need a f****** bullet in the brain buddy. I mean that. You need to f****** relax. I read your rantings on here, you are here 24/7 yelling into the void, the person you are yelling at is not here, you are insane. I see that and I can just imagine drawing a pistol and without a second thought, pow, goodbye, thank you silence…. You are fucked.

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