• 3 years ago

this: Maybe the reason no girl wants to f*** you is because you’re a creep that ruins women’s lives by cyberstalking them when they reject you. You only get away with it because you’re attractive, polite, and nonthreatening in person. But I know the REAL you. The fragile little boy who’s so lonely and insecure he has to destroy people he LITERALLY WORSHIPS to feel better about his miserable existence. You’re so s******* frustrated at this point that you’d betray anyone for coochie, morals be damned. Why don’t you f*** off and learn how to properly talk to women instead of being an obsessive creepy waste of space before you cause long-term psychological damage to more innocent girls you stupid mentally-challenged incel. Do you even think about the impacts your actions have? I bet you do, in fact, I bet you revel in it you sick lawful evil f***. If you don’t change your ways soon. You’re gonna burn in hell.” ….thanks

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