• 3 years ago

I never thought this would ever cross my mind, but here we are. My first introduction to computers was a Windows 98 computer running on a Gateway with a Pentium 3 processor. Things have changed alot, i’ve always been able to go with the new and the old. For the first time ever im starting to wonder if we have to much technology. Ultimately its becoming distraction, maybe age is starting to catch up with me. I guess im just not sure, before technology began evolving it was somewhat simpler. You couldnt have multiple tabs open with a smart phone that was just as capable if not more than your desktop computer. You were forced to follow through with whatever you were doing because the medium you were using had no alternative route. Other than personally taking a break or distracting yourself. Growing up I used to feel the world was to small, now I feel its almost to big. I’m not ungrateful for anything technology has given me, at the same time though. I guess the moto from ThugNotes in ready player one is starting to seem more true and true. My rig has become a distraction from my life and the reality I have surrounded myself by. Or, maybe life was always this f****** mundane and boring so we should be grateful for the distraction. In the end I dont know, maybe it just all comes down to weighing your pro’s and con’s?

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