• 6 years ago

I moved from California to Texas for my boyfriend. Is it selfish for me to want to go back? I don’t know if I’m being dramatic or not but I feel like I’ve given up everything to be with him. Career wise it would have been better for me to stay in nursing school. I’m 22 and he’s 30 that alone is reason enough for them not to like me and we’ve only been together a year now. He’s made it clear he was getting a house whether or not I move with him.
I love him but I don’t feel appreciated I do everything for him cook, clean, laundry and on top of that trying to balance work and school. Its never enough Idk what he expected of me I’m only 22. I feel stuck, it hurts him when I talk about moving back and that maybe it was too soon to live together. I feel insecure because I made a big commitment coming out here and I don’t think he has any intentions of marriage ever. A month in we had a big fight and he told me to leave We made up the next day said he didn’t mean it but I took it pretty seriously. We argue mostly about how I don’t want to spend time with his family and I understand that family is really important to him. But his family doesn’t like me and constantly makes passive aggressive comments to me that he’s completely oblivious to. I feel pretty vulnerable have no one out here. I realize now that this wasn’t a good decision. I’m more asking for advice since I have no one to talk to. Since I’m here already should I try to stick this out or just go home and focus on myself?

All Comments

  • I’m a 34 year old man, married 9 years. Im not sure how valid my opinion is but take it or leave it. don’t follow a dude without a ring. It sounds like you’re playing the wife part wholesale and he’s doing his thing and making you live to his expectations with no regard to yours. you BOTH should be laying out what you want and discussing how that works with your future, not you just being ‘kind of okay’ with whatever.

    Ps I know more than 3 women who have followed a guy when they’re young and none of them are happily married with 2.5 kids and a picket fence lemme tell ya.

    lay down the fucking law or leave.

    but what do i know.

    Anonymous May 23, 2018 5:01 am Reply

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