• 1 month ago

Lawyers are part of the system. They are officers of the Court and have their primary allegiance to the Court. Their obligation to you as a client is LAST on the list. Lawyers are licensed and so that is how they are controlled. All Judges are lawyers. When you hire a lawyer to represent you, then you become a Ward Of The Court and you are considered incompetent.

They do not teach law or the court system in schools. Yet you are supposed to live under the law in everything you do. But you have been denied an education, totally denied, any education on how the system works. Do you think that is an oversight?

Some lawyers, some civil rights lawyers, try to get redress for victims abused by the corrupt government after the fact.

The system is created by the Rothschilds. They are a Jewish family that worships Moloch (Satan). They own all the banks. ALL of them. They own the currency of ALL the governments except Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Syria. Thus they own ALL governments and they dictate the policy and laws of the governments. The politicians are puppets.

Companies or corporations need working capital and are thus controlled or owned by The Rothschilds. Most companies are owned by other companies. This gives the illusion of many companies, many brands, and lots of choices. The fact is that the world is owned by 4 or 5 companies who have bought out the others. The CEO does what he is told because he doesn’t want to lose his big income and stock options. The workers follow orders for similar reasons.

You can use a search engine to verify the above.

Take a look at who owns all the companies:
ht tps://capitaloneshopping.co m/blog/11-companies-that-own-everything-904b28425120

ht tps://w ww.frugl.co m.au/2020/01/19/the-sooner-you-know-that-only-10-companies-control-everything-you-buy-the-better/

ht tps://w ww.independent.co.uk/extras/these-10-companies-control-everything-you-buy-a7765461.html

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